Schools & Daycares

The International School of Languages currently offers Spanish, French and Mandarin programs for Schools and Preschools in Maryland, DC and Virginia.

School & Daycare Programs

Our program is a multisensory language learning experience where students develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension through engaging activities such as games, music, art, and informal conversations.

Small classes and a proven curriculum

Children learn a foreign language, the culture and traditions of the particular countries where that language is spoken.

Our instruction varies depending on the students’ ages and levels and includes different lessons and activities to engage each student and that will help to solidify their learning.

Class sizes are small and taught by native speakers who are, not only experienced teachers of the language and culture, but also engaging, and motivating.

During our classes, instructors use every moment as an opportunity to motivate students to use and practice their speaking skills.

Convenient and effective programs for everyone

Our program is an excellent solution for busy families. Students can learn languages at their school or daycare, seamlessly incorporating language learning into their daily routine and laying the groundwork for lifelong learning and global citizenship.

Many parents are aware that, as globalization continues, learning another language has become essential. Not only it gives children the opportunity to enrich their lives, but it has also been proven that it is beneficial for the brain, helping children solve problems faster. As children become adults, being bilingual also expands the range of professional opportunities and gives them the opportunity to act as citizens of the world.

Looking for a language program that fits all?

With ISL as your partner, we will deliver a fun, high-quality academic and productive program that will guarantee that students will build and develop their foreign language skills.

Because we are also educators, we understand the commitment you have with both students and parents, and as your partner we also extend the same commitment to you and to them by providing a safe and nurturing environment where student can learn.

Our program is a perfect extension of your school day. We can work with you by adding our program seamlessly to be part of your school or preschool curriculum, or by offering before or after your school day. You may also opt to offer this program free of charge to parents as an included extra-incentive, or on an enrollment basis.

Because we know how busy you are, our program is hassle-free for you. Enrollment and tuition is our responsibility and we offer convenient online registration for parents. We use our own tools to communicate with parents in order to keep our families informed of what is happening in class.

Request Information

To request more information about our schools / daycare programs, please fill out the form below or call us directly.

    You can call us at:
